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Annyeonghaseyo, je ireumeun Elle imnida! Don't get me wrong here. I'm a proud FILIPINO, just currently infected by the Hallyu Bug. Anyway,I'm just your not-so ordinary girl living in a fun and extraordinary world. Been keeping it real since day one.

✎ I write like...
▸ Posted by Saturday, January 21, 2012 8:07 AM | 0 COMMENT (s)

So I read this post in a group. I Write Like checks which famous writer you write like by analyzing your word choice and writing style and comparing them with those of the famous writers.

ANyway, so this was what I got.

*drum rolls*


Oh yeah! I'm a fan though I haven't really read ALL his works but yeah, I was totally hooked with his writing style. I felt honored though when I learned that we had the same writing style. But now, Ijust wanted to know, HOW. I mean, I write teen and non-teen romance type while he does detective and logics stuff. Weird.

Anyway, here's the proof..nyayaahahahahhaha You can go to this link if you're interested.


I write like
Dan Brown

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

✎ Get Taazified!
▸ Posted by Wednesday, January 11, 2012 8:30 PM | 0 COMMENT (s)

So, I'm into this make-up editing stuff. Most of the time it would just take much of my time and I would just end up being unproductive in front of the computer. Sometimes it caused me to neglect my studies and updates. Oh yeah, just wanna say that I am now an ONLINE WRITER! I don't wanna go into details about it. Ill just tell you guys about it some other time (yeah right! like someone is actually reading this -_-)

Anyway, despite the negativity I still enjoy the end results of my "un-productiveness."

Argh! As much as I wanted to write and babble more I just can't. I think my eyes won't be able to hold up any much longer.I'm so dead tired. Been working at the rehab for almost a week now and it's seriously taking up much of my energy.

Anyway, I'll just post my edited pics thanks to PICNIK, TAAZ and PHOTOSCAPE. (Yeah, I don't use photoshop. I totally suck at it -_-)

So here you go. Just leave a message at my tagboard or comment.

taaz ^_^

taaz and photoscape ^_^

will upload the rest later.

love lots!

✎ The Phantom of the Opera
▸ Posted by Friday, July 29, 2011 5:46 PM | 0 COMMENT (s)

* Me wearing my young Giry costume. So Avant-Garde

So last night was the Gala Night (meaning the last show) of our play. It lasted for 4 days with a a total of 3 shows per day with the exception of the first day where there was only one which is the Premiere Night.
I didn't mention in my previous post that I have joined a theater guild in school.
So here, you could see that after months of hard work and practices, we have finally managed to pull off a good show.
Yes, there were some quite hitches during those times but it didn't hinder us.
We showed them what we've got and because of that, our bond have gotten stronger.

Just so you know, I played Madame Giry. I was so blessed to be given a chance to show off my singing skills.
I sang "Learn to be lonely" and I must say that the audience loved the scene treatment of this song. (Well, that is according to our beloved Lady D.)

There are also times that I would play the younger version of Madame Giry in a certain part of the play where they'd show the Phantom's past.
Actually, there were two of us assigned to this role so that we may not strain our voices.

Anyway, to make the long story short. We really had a successful shows and this is all thanks to the our dearest mentor, JM and to our Lady D (Director), Ms. Lourie.
Of course, to God who had bestowed us these talents.

I think that's all for now.

Always and forever,

✎ The New Me
▸ Posted by Monday, June 13, 2011 1:02 PM | 0 COMMENT (s)

A lot of things have changed about me since I became friends with the people I met here in school.
One would be my hidden talent for fashion, music
psychology and theater arts.

I mean, I knew I always had it within me but you know the feeling that you didn't able to showcase who you are because you were with the wrong group of people.

Not that I was in a bad group or something, it's just that my interest weren't the same as theirs. We totally had a different viewpoint in life but still we did get along and I had and will always love them for the diversity we shared.

Looking back, I really thought that I was weird since I always have this eerie feeling that by showing the real me, people won't understand and accept me therefore I tried to mask myself as being the obedient, timid and bashful me.I don't want to be different so I tried to blend in with them. With that, I can't get angry or make other people angry. I was always careful in my actions.

I was frigid.

However, I am able to express myself when I'm at home. It's like my comfort zone.

Maybe, that's the reason why those people left me.

Unfortunately, after graduating from high school, I brought that trait with me. Still, I was the same.

It's when I transferred here in Davao that I've met these people who have opened up my Pandora's box and changed me for the better.
Yes, there are moments when I revert back to my old. I think it would take some time though.

I think this would be the reason that up to know I don't have a boyfriend.

I think I'm still enjoying the moments when I discover something about myself and then make it into a craft. I'm taking it step by step by step.

Life is short but if you're having fun, it doesn't really matter, right?

*Actually, I was planning to make this long but I'm really hungry. It's time for lunch, I guess. LOL

✎ Hair, Hair, Hair
▸ Posted by 12:42 PM | 0 COMMENT (s)

I never thought the day would come that I'd be able to grow my hair long.

Ever since I've graduated from high school, I've made my resolve to make my hair fashionable yet convenient so I settled to keeping it short. always thought that I'd look dull with long hair but later on it dawned upon me (and after reading and watching hair tips) that i could afford making my hair long without looking dull.

To start off, I'm not blessed with a lustrous and jet black, shiny hair so I always depend on my trusty hair blower and curling iron. I also added a little color to accentuate my features.

One thing that I'm really thankful of is the shape of my face. I could basically pull off any kind of hairstyle so it's really not a problem for me. (Just the bad hair days though)

Because of it, I didn't notice that I've managed to let it grow.

Anyway, here's a pic of me before and after.

So what do you think?

*Sis busy texting at the back

*The pic's not edited. I think it's the lighting.


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✎ Monday Morning
▸ Posted by 9:29 AM | 0 COMMENT (s)

Woke up pretty early today since class starts, er, today.

As usual, I'm back to my old routine of cooking and preparing my mother, sis and bro's lunchboxes.

*meatballs for lunch. Here in the Philippines we call it Bola-bola.

*Cooked hotdog and luncheon meat while fried rice was reheated from yesterday's breakfast.
Hey, I prefer it that way.

I really like cooking, it's the waking up part is what I really hate.
You see, I'm not a an early riser. I prefer waking up whilst the rays of the sun are hitting my face (which usually happens around 12 noon LOL).

Actually, mine started last week but since we had an event so technically my class would start today onwards.

It's pretty much new to me since my class would start at around 5:30 in the afternoon until 9:30 in the evening.
I feel like I'm part of the Night Class from the Vampire Knight Series.
Speaking of series, so since I really h ave to kill time before class, I'm back to reading mangas now. (Banzai!)
Right now, I'm reading Kaichou wa maid- sama and the story's getting pretty much exciting!
Hmmm..what else...
Ah yes, as usual I'm on my facebook again playing restaurant city.
Aigooo....I ♥ RC. I'm so addicted to it.
Maybe in the future I'll be managing one.

Anyway, got my cellphone back.
Mom confiscated it last week because I kind of messed things at her work.
Well, I'm already forgiven but that is I don't have a phone for a week!
It's totally a bummer since I've downloaded a lot of kPOP albums and I was really itching to pop my earphones listen to it 24/7 until I've memorized the lyrics.
Argh...once again I'm out of thing to write..
So, good luck on your first day of class and God Bless!


✎ Family Date @ Emars
▸ Posted by Wednesday, June 8, 2011 10:48 AM | 0 COMMENT (s)

A picture paints a thousand words so let these pics do the talkin'

*I really love the Frog Slide ♥

*the cottages are so chic ♥

Unlike the bad reviews I've read online about this place, We really had a blast here. Everything was great. From the accommodations to the food. I also love the pool and the waves! (Though I was pratically being drowned by it. Even the though the pool's only 5 feet, considering my height of 5'1, I would say it's pretty deep for me plus the waves that are literally swallowing me . It's like a mini tsunami. LOL )
Anyway, like what mama said, we deserve this since we had to put through a lot before having this vacation. So even though it was brief (since classes are gonna start the next day) I'd say we were able to enjoy the place to our hearts content.
All in all, I would give this place a 10.

Thanks for reading!


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